Regio Lease is now Certified ISO 9001 / EN 9100

Regio Lease is now Certified ISO 9001 / EN 9100

REGIO LEASE is pleased to announce that we have just been certified ISO 9001 / EN 9100, and the certificates can be found on our home page.

After two years of hard work in order to complete the certification process, we thank those who have actively led this project as well as all personnel who participated directly or indirectly.

The ISO 9001 standard refers to the implementation of a quality management system in order to continually improve the satisfaction of our customers and provide consistent services.  The EN 9100 standard is a European standard equivalent to AS 9100 (US) and JISQ 9100 (Asia) that specifies additional requirements of ISO 9001 for aerospace (30% more requirements).

This certification answers to our goal to be able to provide a recognized international dimension to our activities.